Hi, I'm running into DRC issues on a clean version...
# caravel
Hi, I'm running into DRC issues on a clean version of Caravel. I'm using the mpw-one-final tag for Caravel, and the rc7 tag for OpenLANE. Inside Caravel, I run
make uncompress
make pdk
(using Magic version 8.3.116, which is >= 8.3.60). Inside OpenLANE, I'm installing it with
make openlane
Then, after mounting docker and navigating to the Caravel folder, I run
, which creates the gds, and I try to run DRC with
make drc-caravel
. I get a very large number of violations (COUNT=11519255) on 67 different rules, but according to the documentation, I should be getting 0. Any ideas on what's going on here? Should I be using different versions?