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# shuttle
<!channel> ************************************************************************************** Just a heads up that we have updated OpenLane and the SKY130 pdk on the Efabless platform. There is now a copy of Caravel User Project in the Marketplace that can be copied to create new projects. A number of people have asked about being able to implement their designs on the Efabless platform versus installing tools and pdks locally. This is now available. The following knowledge base article provides an example of how to hardening the macros in Caravel User Project. https://info.efabless.com/knowledgebase/creating-your-first-open-mpw-or-chipignite-project/ Please post questions in the #efabless channel if you need assistance. There are just 3 weeks remaining before the submission deadline for MPW-TWO and the June chipIgnite commercial shuttle. We encourage you to get your project posted early so we can be aware of your intent to participate on either of these shuttles. The chipIgnite shuttle provides guaranteed reservations. We are lining up several industry sponsors who will fund selected projects on the commercial shuttle. If you are interested in being selected for one of these, please post your project and contact myself on Slack or via jeffdi@efabless.com. Thank you! **************************************************************************************
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