Hi <@U016EM8L91B>, for user_project wrapper preche...
# magic
Hi @Tim Edwards, for user_project wrapper precheck, although precheck does not say magic drc failed at the end, I saw errors in the precheck.log
Copy code
2022-06-09 19:42:23 - [INFO] - {{STEP UPDATE}} Executing Check 7 of 13: Magic DRC
2022-06-09 20:02:36 - [WARNING] - Error generating DRC violation report(s), the full set of Magic DRC reports will not be generated. local variable 'layer' referenced before assignment
2022-06-09 20:02:36 - [ERROR] - Violation Message "Can't overlap those layers "found 1 Times.
2022-06-09 20:02:36 - [ERROR] - 1 DRC violations
2022-06-09 20:02:36 - [WARNING] - {{MAGIC DRC CHECK FAILED}} The GDS file, user_project_wrapper.gds, has DRC violations.
2022-06-09 20:52:43 - [CRITICAL] - {{FAILURE}} 2 Check(s) Failed: ['Documentation', 'Klayout FEOL'] !!!
has the following:
Copy code
Can't overlap those layers
 675.370 2645.385 678.390 2645.390
[INFO]: Should be divided by 3 or 4
1. Could you help me understand the error in magic? Which layers are overlapped? A screenshot is attached. 2. Do you know why is the DRC error not marked as failed by precheck?