I'm including `/home/bluecmd/eda/sky130_fd_pr/mode...
# analog-design
I'm including
and trying to set
but I can't seem to get something that ngspice can find. Complains about the model not being correct:
Copy code
Scale set                                                                 
Error on line 6 :                                                         
  m1 inv_out in vcc vcc sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8__model w=5u l=0.18u m=1   
could not find a valid modelname                                          
Error on line 7 :                                                         
  m2 inv_out in 0 0 sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8__model.0 w=5u l=0.18u m=1     
could not find a valid modelname