Last 1 day - This is how we taped-out PLL chip He...
# general
Last 1 day - This is how we taped-out PLL chip Hey There Sharing a snippet from out workshop recording session. This is just to show you how easy it is these days to tape-out a chip . Though we took about a year to design 8x-PLL from scratch. As they say - Practice makes you perfect - So we perfected its delivery as an online 2-days workshop for you. That way, every VLSI fresher or student get an idea of how does a basic chip tape-out look like If you do this workshop well, VSD will personally help you to tape-out multiple variants of this PLL using sky130 . We have sea of ideas for all of you once you finish this 2-days workshop. Sharing the registration link which is valid of 1-more day VSD vision is that everyone of you reading this message should be able to come-up with your own version of PLL in these 2-days workshop, irrespective of you location, college, degree, experience, profession, caste, religion, state and country. We would love to build this PLL along-with you . So all the best, work hard and happy learning