VSD-IAT Sky130 workshops (indirectly) helping plac...
# general
VSD-IAT Sky130 workshops (indirectly) helping placements One message yesterday afternoon and another one today morning. So proud to see such messages when day begins. Really charges you up to do something more, something better, something different. Congratulations to all participants of VSD-IAT workshops who have got placed   And the main thing - this one and all other VSD-IAT workshop participants figured out placements and jobs on their own without VSD reference. All they had shown and displayed was their GitHub Project Report   GitHub is indeed the new Resume. Here are the list of workshops https://www.vlsisystemdesign.com/vsd-iat/   These are ones which have been reported. I am not aware of other who are indirectly getting placed or benefited from VSD-IAT workshops. I am sure there are many more