Advanced level labs and last 12 hours for registra...
# general
Advanced level labs and last 12 hours for registration Finally an introduction to advanced-level labs for experienced participants who wish to join the upcoming SKY130-based Physical Verification workshop and are quite aware of the fundamentals 1) Physical verification of extracted netlists 2) How LVS matching works 3) LVS netlists vs simulation netlists 4) Netgen core matching algorithm 5) Netgen pre-matching analysis - Hierarchical checking and flattening 6) Pin checking and property checking 7) Series/Parallel combining, symmetry breaking and interpreting netgen results After so many months of workshop preparation and planning, we are left with the last 12 hours for the registration to close and the excitement to begin. This is also the last 12 hours that a workshop has been discounted to $20 from $100 Here's the 80% discounted registration link So all the best and happy learning. See you at the workshop