A brilliant initiative by OSFPGA Foundation toward...
# riscv
A brilliant initiative by OSFPGA Foundation toward learning VSD has worked with many organizations globally, but working with OSFPGA was a unique experience. One of the prime reasons for this successful engagement could be because of its "torchbearers" Dr Shrikant Lohokare and Dr Naveed Sherwani. Dr Shrikant holds a doctorate from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and Dr Naveed received PhD. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. With such rich profiles, their interest in learning initiatives is quite evident. So here's the announcement. OSFPGA, along with VSD, are excited to provide a full-stack overview of RISC-V on FPGA and OpenFPGA courses at more than 55% discounted price than its original price, in the spirit of talent generation. Here's the link which has all 3-workshops https://osfpga.org/osfpga-training/ OSFPGA is determined to bring many students, colleges and start-ups on board and democratize hardware design. So OSFPGA, in association with VLSI System Design (VSD) and Redwood EDA, presents a complete stack of overview courses starting from RISC-V ISA, moving on to RISC-V micro-architecture implementation from scratch then building mixed-signal design using RISC-V and implementing on commercial FPGA and finally porting RISC-V on OpenFPGA. The whole course is divided into 3 sub-courses 1. RISC-V based MYTH (Microprocessors for you in thirty hours) (5-day course) (25th May to 29th May) 2. Mixed-signal RISC-V based SoC on FPGA (1-day course) (30th May) 3. FPGA – Fabric, Design and Architecture (5-day course) (1st June to 5th June) For the first time, cloud-based RISC-V on FPGA workshops has been available at such low cost, just for the spirit of learning, thereby providing an affordable platform to the bright, young, talented workforce who would be the future torchbearers of the semiconductor industry That's the best we can do in terms of pricing. So grab this limited time OSFPGA sponsored pricing on all the above workshops. All the best and happy learning -- Thanks & Regards Kunal P Ghosh "_*A pessimist always sees difficulty in every opportunity, An optimist always sees opportunity in every difficulty*_"