Hi there, I cant seem to find the answers to the f...
# openlane
Hi there, I cant seem to find the answers to the following questions online (perhaps I don't know what to search for... 1. Once I've launched openlane I cannot access folders outside the environment created by openlane, how do I fix this so I can access files in my project work area without having to copy them into openlane's design folder every time 2. I don't seem to be able to get openlane to use the PDKs that I have installed separately without getting errors from
make mount
3. Once synthesizing a design openlane always breaks-out the designs pins with long wires extended outside the boundary of the hardened block. How do I prevent this from happening and instead just get it to place ports within the design boundary to which I can connect Thanks in anticipation, Tom
Please start your discussion here: So you'll get solution from OpenLane team.
point 1: I think its due to
environment point 2: you've to use
export PDK_ROOT=path-to
make mount
point 3: Better to share with test case
@Tom 1. You might want to take a look at the Makefile in the
repo. It uses docker and accesses files outside openlane’s design folder. 2. See @Vijayan Krishnan comment above. If you’re already doing that, let us know. 3. I believe this has to do with the design size. Does changing the design size make a difference?
Thanks for the responses @Mitch Bailey and @Vijayan Krishnan. So for (2) I am already doing that. I define the following
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export PDK_ROOT=$HOME/repos/edalibs/pdks/gf180mcu
export PDK=gf180mcuC
export OPENLANE_ROOT=$HOME/repos/edatools/OpenLane
I then start openlane like so and get the following and try to synthesise
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tom@tom:~/repos/projects/openwave$ cd $OPENLANE_ROOT
tom@tom:~/repos/edatools/OpenLane$ make mount
cd /media/tom/Storage/Linux/repos/edatools/OpenLane && \
	docker run --rm -v /media/tom/Storage/Linux/repos/edatools/OpenLane:/openlane -v /media/tom/Storage/Linux/repos/edatools/OpenLane/designs:/openlane/install -v /media/tom/Storage/Linux/repos/edalibs/pdks/gf180mcu:/media/tom/Storage/Linux/repos/edalibs/pdks/gf180mcu -e PDK_ROOT=/media/tom/Storage/Linux/repos/edalibs/pdks/gf180mcu -e PDK=gf180mcuC  --user 1000:1000 -e DISPLAY=:0 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v /home/tom/.Xauthority:/.Xauthority --network host --security-opt seccomp=unconfined -ti efabless/openlane:ce916510de89a037889e06ab16c00c4101f77d2f-amd64
OpenLane Container (ce91651):/openlane$ ./flow.tcl -design spm
OpenLane ce916510de89a037889e06ab16c00c4101f77d2f
All rights reserved. (c) 2020-2022 Efabless Corporation and contributors.
Available under the Apache License, version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more details.

[ERROR]: The version of open_pdks used in building the PDK does not match the version OpenLane was tested on (installed: 920c1db9a746564086033cc4384ddc415673553e, tested: 032b059033c4cf67f94c5b7f0a44d936b8ff5aae)
This may introduce some issues. You may want to re-install the PDK by invoking `make pdk`.
The version of magic used in building the PDK does not match the version OpenLane was tested on (installed: 70908a8ab5b6c914942e6e3649ff0d8574d49fd7, tested: 1a3caee3761d3ad4d4d4a7e931137b21a608a92d)
This may introduce some issues. You may want to re-install the PDK by invoking `make pdk`.
[ERROR]: Please update your environment. OpenLane will now quit.
OpenLane Container (ce91651):/openlane$
My openlane git hash is
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commit ce916510de89a037889e06ab16c00c4101f77d2f (HEAD -> master, tag: 2023.02.08, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Please use https://github.com/efabless/caravel_user_project setup. I don't find option to skip open_pdks mismatch. But caravel flow can skip these error and run