<@U016PTY0C2E> is your page auto-generated? If so,...
# sky130
@User is your page auto-generated? If so, what needs to be done to have the analog primatives added to the list? I don't believe the external repo links are added to the main skywater git yet but the files on the google git are there
@Trevor Clarke that isn't my page, I believe it's maintained by @Adrian Freed
You're right. @ a gave me the wrong person
@Trevor Clarke Hi Trevor. The pages are auto generated from info in json files with some additional editorial of mine categorizing the standard cells. There are no json files with human written metadata in the analog primitives ~although most of the interesting cap cells have some comments in the Spice files which are probably useful to those in the know~…
The auto generation I used was one of those quick hacks (bash and awk scripts) that proved more useful than I expected. It should probably be done with the git/python documentation frameworks. I was waiting for the primitive cells and osu cells to appear before reflecting on how to help from here.
The primitive cells have quite a lot of different naming conventions for the files inside the cells folders. It’s barely worth automating, but I will take a look or annotate by hand.
I annotated by hand