I tried opening the symbols in his library, say a2...
# sky130
I tried opening the symbols in his library, say a2111o, but I find there are no/"None" Views in Cadence. Is this expected? in commercial tools like Cadence? Please confirm it is expected that in Cadence Virtuoso, I should not able to see it or add it to my schematic, and that the reason is there is no support for it/Views in Cadence. Any idea who I can turn to other than Cadence in order to migrate/build this pdk in Cadence?
You could ask in #cadence-virtuoso but most people here are focusing on the open source flow.
And if you do want the sky130 symbols for use in xschem (the open source schematic editor most people are using) they can be found here https://github.com/StefanSchippers/xschem_sky130