All set for another weekend webinar Welcome to Ana...
# sky130
All set for another weekend webinar Welcome to Analog Comparator IP Circuit Design and Layout using Sky130 Webinar on "30th April, 6pm IST" This session is LIVE and FREE. Fill up below form to receive meeting invitation Curriculum - Section 1 - Tool Installation And Testing (LIVE Labs) Lecture 1 - Introduction Lecture 2 - Steps to install MAGIC Lecture 3 - Steps to install Sky130 PDK and NGSpice Lecture 4 - Steps to configure Xschem with Sky130 PDK Lecture 5 - Final Steps to patch Sky130 PDK with NGSpice and Xschem Lecture 6 - Xschem testing with Sky130 PDKs Section 2 - Comparator Circuit design and layout (LIVE Labs) Lecture 1 - Introduction To Comparator Circuit Components And Pre-layout Simulations Lecture 2 - Hysteresis And Simulation Stimulus Lecture 3 - Review EN, INP and IHyst Inputs Lecture 4 - Review Differential Stage Output - Vdiff Lecture 5 - Review Amplifier Output Lecture 6 - Impact Of Changing Differential Voltage On Common Mode Lecture 7 - Circuit To Layout Mapping Lecture 8 - Transistor Selection And Tech File Details Lecture 9 - Post-Layout Simulation, Issues And Future Work
@Kunal, is this going to be recorded? I'd like to watch it but won't be able to join.
Yes. It is going to be recorded FYI - LIVE is free, Recording is paid on Udemy as an online course Thanks
@Eslam Morsie @Mariam Zanaty
Please attend.