hi everyone, i want to design a Enclosed Layout Tr...
# sky130
hi everyone, i want to design a Enclosed Layout Transistor (ELT), i made two design layer by layer (without using the already preset devices): square and square with 45 degree edges. And have different DCR errors, in the images can see clearly. i need know, despite those drc errors, is it possible to manufacture it with SKY130? Is there a way to correct those errors? Is there a way to make an annular transistor, that is, how can I make a poly in the shape of a circle?
Technically, 45 degree angles on poly are not permitted. However, SkyWater does make an exception to that rule for the ESD devices, so it is possible. I would suggest going ahead with it; I can work out a waiver from SkyWater. I am interested in seeing annular FETs manufactured and characterized.
Since I have seen SkyWater layout exceptions with 45 degree angles on poly but none with 90 degree angles on poly (inside diffusion), I would suggest going with the one with the angled corners.
hi, thank you. I am want to participate in the Efabless Open MPW Shuttle Program, is possible that the design of ELT can be fabricated in this program ?. I work with academics of "Centro Atomico de Bariloche" (Argentina) and if the layout is fabricated we want irradiation it and characterized their response. We don't have problem sharing the results with you. The area of application is the radioterapy, specifically PIN photodiode how dosimeter for the calibration.
Yes, I would like to see this on the shuttle. I have done radiation-tolerant design before myself, at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, and I know other people at the Applied Physics Lab, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, and a company in Arkansas called Ozarc IC which does extreme environment design. They are all interested in how the SkyWater process can be used for radiation tolerant design. I'm sure I can get SkyWater to accept the design. I will ask the SkyWater process engineers about the possibility of waiving these rules.