I think that we should have a policy of no "for pa...
# sky130
I think that we should have a policy of no "for pay" classes (or other for profit things?) in this channel. What is the policy or who decides?
👍 5
Well, SkyWater is a for-profit organization, as is Google, and efabless. . . the ChipIgnite program is for-profit. We have to make a living somehow. I think the "sky130" channel is a reasonable catch-all for everything.
Can I sell my essential oils? 😂
Seriously though, I think the issue is that slack isn't meant for this type of forum. You can't block people or topics.
Well, the VSD workshops are based on the SkyWater PDK, so I would consider them relevant.
And the difference is, while those may be for profit, they aren't advertising here
At least he isn't tagging the channel anymore...
Maybe one problem is that "sky130" is just too broad a topic. There is a #courses channel, but nobody is using it.
I may be in the minority too and I'm fine if most others disagree. It isn't a big deal right now
I would agree with @Matthew Guthaus that ads for courses should get a separate channel
I'm having the "for-profit" [Official Academic Credit] headache with the neuromorphs in Virtual Telluride at the moment ... As for what's going on here, which looks like the most promising alternative, I think that all sources [Freudian typo, I mean:] courses, for-profit or not-so-much-for-profit, are helping. So, to address the concern, I think that all courses should be advertised, here and in other places, but they should be explicitly labeled as for-profit or free. S[n]ide remark: Organizations like udacity have for-profit and free options for identical courses. The difference is only the Official Credit conferred to the students that they may then show other credit rating agencies, like a commercial entreprise or an Institution of Higher Academic Learning (whether universities are first and foremost credit rating agencies nowadays is a discussion I'd like to have one of these days with Gert Cauwenberghs and the first and best PhD out of his lab).
💔 1
This is a violation of Slacks's Terms of Service: https://slack.com/acceptable-use-policy
Interesting: • send unsolicited communications, promotions or advertisements, or spam; • place any advertisements within a Slack client;
There is, I'm sure, some legal wiggle room in the language, but on the face of it, I'd agree that it prohibits any kind of advertising.
Ok, so that's clear. Stop the spamming.