Where is the sky130A.tech file located? I have che...
# sky130
Where is the sky130A.tech file located? I have checked it inside the skywaterpdk I cloned from GitHub and also open_pdk but I think it's not present anywhere.
I don't see it. Infact I installed it via the open_pdk given at the opencircuitdesign.com and have been following the steps.
Where did you install it? It is usually installed in /usr/share/pdks/sky130A/libs.tech.
I used the default settings. So yeah it's supposed to be inside that folder in pdks/sky130A/libs.tech
But in my case it's empty
Strange... I don't know what is happening because I may be using an older version of Open PDKs. It had some updates recently.
Okay. Anyway I am uninstalling and reinstalling it so I will post an update if anything changes.
For now, try calling magic -T with the path to your git clone. It may work. By the way, you can just use magic -rcfile *sky130A.magicrc, if you're not using it this way already.
I haven't been actually. I am new to all this so still following those steps at vsdflow and openciruitdesign.com
Lemme try that too. Thanks Luis
Update : I definitely messed up the installation, reinstalling it worked and now I am sure all the files exist. Just testing them out right now.
Thanks again 👍
It can be located at a different place. Try this path “/usr/local/share/pdk…."