Hello, I was trying to make SAR logic. Is there so...
# sky130
Hello, I was trying to make SAR logic. Is there some documentation about the sky_130 std cells? I got the dlrbn_1 working ( its a low gate -N latch if I'm correct? Whats the difference with the dlrbn_2? ) but I don't get the dfbbn_1 working , I assume it is a Dff? I got the results shown in attachement. In this setup Set-B is connected to ground, but I got the same general form when connected to vdd. But I'm not sure if it is active low or high. the first to letters of the name are dl = Dlatch, and Df, D fliflip, I assume? What do the other letters represent? Are these standart cells minimum sizes? Because if I look at the spice of the models, they seem sized hugely. Have a nice day Kind regards
This is for the
flavor, the others are nearby.
Thank you! and are they build from minimum sized transistors? Is there somewhere a schematic of how they are build with individual transistor size?
Schematic is not available (AFAIK), but you can look at the SPICE net list.
@Harald Pretl @Faedra Webers @Tim Edwards Documentation for sky130 standard cells no longer exists on above shared link. Where else can information on sky130 standard cells be available ?