Good afternoon. I'm used to design and running the...
# efabless
Good afternoon. I'm used to design and running the tools from my own computer. Today I tried to use efabless open galaxy to open my project and xschem is not working properly. It crashes when I try to edit the properties of a NFET symbol. Has anyone had the same problem?
xschem is rather new on the Open Galaxy system. . . let @sto know about this, too, and we'll debug it.
There are a lot of parsing error messages that come up on xschem startup, which is clearly pointing to an issue of some kind. I can duplicate the error/crash condition when editing an nFET (and probably anything else).
Xschemrc isn't working also and it seems to point to the right path.
The last two lines of xschemrc aren't correct, but if I fix them, it doesn't change anything.
upgraded open-galaxy xschem to 2.9.9 (from 2.9.7).
@Luis Henrique Rodovalho: I can confirm that xschem is working correctly now on Open Galaxy (thanks, @sto!).
👍 2