Is chipignite comes with Caravel or we can use it ...
# efabless
Is chipignite comes with Caravel or we can use it without Caravel? @User
It comes with Caravel. Theoretically you could build your own frame but it would have to adhere to various rules (pads at the same location, ...). I think most of those who asked for doing their own used Caravel/Caravan in the end.
At some point we will have a more flexible framework for ChipIgnite that does not depend on Caravel. The only absolute requirement is that the padframe needs to have the same number of pads in the same position, becase the WLCSP masks and the wirebonding diagrams are the same for all projects. Mostly we will just need a precheck script that verifies the pad locations, the chip outer dimensions, and the seal ring.