Hi, I updated my shipping address and I obtain the...
# efabless
Hi, I updated my shipping address and I obtain the following error: STANDARDIZED.ADDRESS.NOTFOUND. Can it be because of the flat number?
Thank you. It still does not like it... How spanish addresses need to be written? I wrote in address 1: calle ...., number ; and in address 2 the flat and door
@User ?
I had to put the number in address 2
no, number in address1, bajo in address2
yes, I have put the house number in address 1 and the flat and door numbers in address 2, but it still does not like it
Aurora. Please follow the steps in https://platform.efabless.com/open_mpw_faq#faq-twentyone . Also note that you can just ignore the message if you feel that there is nothing wrong with your address. Just know that whatever address you put in will be the address that the chip gets shipped to after the shuttle manifestation process is complete. THanks.