Ah okay, good to hear xschem is being actively dev...
# analog-design
Ah okay, good to hear xschem is being actively developed. If I search for xschem I get sourceforge which says it moved to coralEDA which is discontinued.
@Pepijn de Vos that's true, CoralEda was a project to group together various pieces of EDA tools and make them cooperate well together. However the whole thing was too much pcb-rnd centric, and i got little interest in xschem which is capable to handle schematics for printed circuit boards, but more focused on ASIC/VLSI.. Their main focus is on pcb development (routing, RF boards, creating files for pcb fabbing). The pcb-rnd author is a very capable programmer, i got lot of useful suggestions from him, however he is a kind of a one man band, writing the software, the libraries, the UI, the dialog boxes, the hash tables/lists/vector data structures/quad trees and more... he is writing his own bezier engine to load ttf fonts, and writing on his own the whole graphic toolkit. His plans are to create a schematic editor that will be of course super integrated with pcb-rnd, a cloud based symbol/component footprint library, all of this in plain C89 and embedded scripting support for awk, python, lua, tcl, ruby, perl, javascript, lisp, shell, pascal, BASIC. May be later on he will write also the C compiler 🙂. I have removed the reference to coralEDA in sourceforge, however xschem will continue to be hosted on repo.hu, because it's a superfast and simple svn based web 1.0 server, free of any 2.0 webshit. it's in sync with github. Thank you!.
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