<@U016EM8L91B> thanks Tim that worked but I have a...
# analog-design
@User thanks Tim that worked but I have another one I'm trying to load large gds file into magic around 900 MB and this process takes forever and uses single thread is there a way to speed this maybe increase the number of threads it uses or any other method
Can you quantify "forever"? 900MB is not very large and reading GDS should be pretty fast.
I run it for multiple hours and it didn't finish
Something is wrong, then. It should take a couple of minutes at most to read the GDS, even for 900MB. For layouts with GDS files around 1GB, I often end up with the design taking up close to 16GB memory. Where does the GDS come from? I have not had any issues with anything generated by openlane for the Sky130 PDK.
I'd suggest sharing the GDS file, but at 900MB, probably not on slack. If you can (compress it and) post it to a shareable drive where I can download it, I can take a look into why it is not loading.
I edit it on klayout
conform if you can acess it
Yes, I got it.
I was able to get the design to load with the sky130-GDS.tech file and by using "gds drccheck false", but magic is claiming that a number of cells are not parented, and there are cells that are out of bounds (below the origin). Can you read this design with klayout?
yes I can read it with klayout
what is the difference between GDS.tech and normal .tech
The sky130-GDS.tech does direct mapping between GDS layers and magic layers. But it is not set up for device extraction and other things; it's just useful for viewing layout.
how much time it took? and what should I do if I want to run drc ?
Five or six minutes, I think. You cannot run DRC from the sky130A-GDS.tech technology. You can only do that from the sky130A.tech technology file.
What fixes can I do to run it on regular tech file with reasonable amount of time?
it is already taken time higher than 5 min on my machine 😂 with the gds tech file
If it's still printing out messages, then it's still working. If it stops generating output for more than a minute or so, that's something to be concerned about.
I'm not sure what needs to change go get it to read with the standard tech file. Getting rid of the triplicate copies of everything will help, but I don't know if there are problems beyond that.
it is still on that message for longer than 3 minutes it is normal?
It looks done to me.
The % is the prompt which means it finished