<@U016H5X1K62> I'm super new to the FOSSi tools an...
# analog-design
@User I'm super new to the FOSSi tools and to chip design in general, but I'm totally willing to learn. I'm an EE by schooling/career but I've only ever done board-level design. I saw the docs pinned to the channel and would be willing to hack on some ADC ideas. I'll definitely be asking for a lot of help here to check my work though 😄
I used to create sigma-delta designs for MultiGiG (later bought by Analog Devices), and I also have an interest in signal synthesis and would like to see a design posted for the next shuttle run with something like that on it, so I'd be happy to help (apart from being extremely limited in the amount of time I have to put into it right now).
Is there a posted schedule of shuttle runs?
No. We have to get through the first one before we can start thinking about the others. We are not even settled yet on whether there are going to be two or three of them this year. Current plan is for two shuttle runs with the first being maybe around May, but that is definitely subject to change.