<@U017UPJEGKZ>: There are several different poten...
# analog-design
@User: There are several different potential flows there, depending on whether you are starting with a schematic or just want to extract and simulate a layout. There are additional options if the layout has digital blocks in it. Can you describe the flow you are looking for?
Right now I am wanting to do schematic capture, simulation, and layout with Magic. Parasitic extraction would be nice. At some point I would like to incorporate digital blocks, but right now I just want to get started on creating some analog cells
Yes, I definitely recommend the open_pdks installer (especially as I wrote it!).
The flow you probably want is to make sure you have magic, nsgspice, netgen, xschem, and gaw (the version owned by Stefan Schippers, the xschem developer). In xschem you can create your schematics, and xschem will generate a simulatable netlist, and the netlist can be imported into magic, although there are no tools to auto-route it; you will get configured device instances and pins but you will need to wire it up yourself. Once it is wired up, you can verify the wiring with LVS using netgen, and you can extract a netlist with parasitics and simulate with ngspice.
Oh wow, these setup instructions are great. I only wish I found them earlier. Just a heads up though, the github mirror for xcircuit seems to be out of date. Not sure about the other github mirrors.