What is the current state with the FET bins in ngs...
# analog-design
What is the current state with the FET bins in ngspice? Will only L/W values exactly matching values in the bins files work correctly? It seems that values not in the bin files do not cause errors. Is it rounding the value to the nearest bin size? Is it scaling from the nearest bin size (so things will just be a bit less accurate)?
We have tried with ngspice-34 version, and it works fine I think you are facing issues with ngspice-27 (may be) Tagging @Akurathi Radhika
@Weston Braun: It depends on which models are being used; some of them have bins large enough to span a continuous range. That does not necessarily mean that the parameter values are all sane over that full range, though. I know that SkyWater now has continuous models (this happened recently). When we can get our hands on them, though, I don't know.
What do you mean by span a continuous range? is there some valid range specified in a file?
I mean that the model files have lmin ... lmax, wmin ... wmax for the bin. If there is no gap between, say, the wmax of one bin and the wmin of the next, then the range is continuous.
However, someone did a study of some parameters and discovered that a couple of them had serious discontinuites at the wmax of one bin and the wmin of the next.
I remember there being a csv file of the bins at some point. Did that do away? I searched the entire PDK install for csv files and did not find it.