They do. You need equal metal coverage to get the ...
# analog-design
They do. You need equal metal coverage to get the same Vt, etc.
@Boris Murmann, why does metal coverage effect Vt? is it because it alters the shape of the electric field?
@Tim Edwards do you know the answer to my question above?
And a follow up question is - If I have a good covering of M2 over the gates which is also uniform then will less uniform routing on M3 above have much of an impact?
Metal coverage affects the temperature profile during processing, as well as the strain/stress profile. The effect is not related to electric fields.
Ah i see thanks, so metal on any layer has an impact?
I don't think M3 matters much when you have M2 coverage. You can see that higher layers don't matter that much in general from the paper that I linked in an earlier post.
interesting thank you, @Boris Murmann