<@U01R25KNRJ7>: At least one SONOS design taped o...
# analog-design
@User: At least one SONOS design taped out on the first shuttle run, so we'll be able to get some device measurements out of that.
Thank you. What design do you mean? I have found only this one https://github.com/Bryce-Readyhough/caravel_UNCC_MPW_1 but not shure if it was run
I thought that went on MPW-one. There are only 37 of the 40 projects listed on the efabless page that lists the projects. I think this must be one of the three missing entries. I'll see if I can track that down.
👍 1
As far as I understood, that one I sent has been in MPW-one. https://efabless.com/projects/3. And there SONOS array was used. It would be interesting to see what project you've meant. @Tim Edwards Have you tracked it down?