<@U016EM8L91B> My design flow doesn't include any ...
# analog-design
@User My design flow doesn't include any schematics at all. I'm just extracting the netlist from the magic layout files. Naturally, there are no LVS checks, just ngspice simulations of the resulting netlist. Can it be submitted to the MPW without LVS checks?
Submission and precheck only looks for manufacturability (plus some checks for open source licensing). No LVS is done. So you shouldn't have any problems with that.
How about design selection? I guess there will be lots of designs submitted. The ones who will select the designs will test them or just trust the documentation? What are the criteria for selection? I'm trying to submit some analog only designs with the GDS, mag files, extracted netlists and spice testbenchs and the Caravel Analog User Project template have lots of folders I don't know what to do about them. Anyway, maybe it's really too late for last hour projects.
Currently we have a funded commercial shuttle and we should be able to take overflow from MPW-two. Ultimately, though, if we run out of room, our agreement with Google states that Google has the final word on selection.