An oddity about `ngspice`: If I type the following...
# analog-design
An oddity about `ngspice`: If I type the following code into the
interactive session
Copy code
compose Ws values 1u   2u
compose Ls values 0.1u 0.2u

foreach WW $&Ws
  foreach LL $&Ls
    echo W/L = $WW / $LL
The printing of W/L works as expected. But if it is put into the
block in a file and use
to load it from commandline, it complains that Error: WW: no such variable. Error: LL: no such variable. I am puzzled by this behavior. Any suggestions?
Looks like ngspice does weird things. If there's an
it appears that whole thing is evaluated in a shell script? If I change the
echo ...
print $WW / $LL
I get meaningful results
I believe that
is a nutmeg command (nutmeg is the name of the interactive interpreter). IIRC, nutmeg is essentially a modified csh, so that's what's running commands specific to the interpreter. The
command, however, is an internal SPICE command, so it works like you'd expect in batch mode. I'm afraid the ngpsice manual doesn't do a good job pointing out what commands are specific to nutmeg. The interactive interpreter section has asterisks to indicate "only available in ngspice, not in ngnutmeg," which I think indicates the given command only makes sense inside a
block, not on the nutmeg command line. There's no marker to indicate what makes sense on the command line, but not in a
block, however.
Thanks for the explanations. But it is still very puzzling to me. See the following code:
Copy code
let a = 1
set b = 1
echo $&a, $b
which run as expected in batch mode. echo clearly has access to both vector and variable. The only trouble seems to be with the
generated variable, which somehow is not accessible by