<@U02J59Q3FM0> as far as i can see this open_pdks ...
# analog-design
@User as far as i can see this open_pdks install is outdated. Go in the source directory (open_pdks) and type "git log" to see the time of last commit. My open_pdks has last commit done on Oct 14 (and probably there are other more recent commits by now upstream). If the source dir is old do a "git pull" and rebuild.
@Stefan Schippers the last commit on the master branch seems to have been done on 14 OCT nothing since then. Is there another branch I should try switching to ?
ok, please open the file corners/tt.spice. Do you see include of 20v0 models?
Yes the 20v corner.spice files are present
It's very odd that xscheme is complaining only for the 20v models
Can you send me the complete .spice netlist you are trying to simulate ? (should be in ~/.xschem/simulations directory, if you kept default setting for that) And also what is the value for SKYWATER_MODELS in the xschemrc file you are using? (i believe the xschemrc you have in the directory where you start xschem).
will have a look tomorrow... late night here :-)