Hi Everyone, I’ve been working on a guide to insta...
# analog-design
Hi Everyone, I’ve been working on a guide to install the analogue tools from a clean Ubuntu/Debian machine. I used your Makefile @User as a template - so thank you! I’ve got the actual installation guide in a very rough raw html form, and I’m currently working on a ‘my first design’ pipe-cleaning exercise. I’d really appreciate it if people took a look and suggested any improvements I could make or additional tools to install (digital tools are on my list). Also if people would like to follow the guide, let me know if you come across any issues that lead you to have to type anything other than what is in the guide so I can make it more comprehensive. It’s available here: anthonywall.ie/opentools @User let me know if you want to collaborate or take some of this info for the SSCS page
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I have a script which can install a Ubuntu machine as well, and it works fine for me: https://github.com/hpretl/iic-osic/blob/main/iic-osic-setup.sh
We have meanwhile migrated away from a local install since it is tricky to keep multiple install in sync. I prefer now a Docker container, and we have invested quite a bit to make a pretty loaded container, which also builds fine on
. See here if you want to reuse build scripts. Generally, building on Ubuntu is easier than CentOS (since packages are older), but for the Docker container we built on legacy CentOS7, which we also migrated to RockyLinux8. https://github.com/hpretl/foss-asic-tools
Here is the tool list that is now preinstalled in our Docker container: • covered Verilog code coverage • cu-gr global router • cvc circuit validity checker (ERC) • dr-cu detail router • fault design-for-test (DFT) solution • gaw3-xschem waveform plot tool for xschem • ghdl VHDL simulator • gtkwave waveform plot tool for digital simulation • iic-osic collection of useful scripts and docs • irsim switch-level digital simulator • iverilog Verilog simulator • klayout layout tool • magic layout tool with DRC and PEX • netgen netlist comparison (LVS) • ngscope waveform plot tool for ngspice • ngspice SPICE analog simulator • open_pdks PDK setup scripts • openlane digital RTL2GDS flow • openroad collection of tools for openlane • opensta static timing analyzer for digital flow • padring padring generation tool • vlog2verilog Verilog file conversion • risc-v toolchain GNU compiler toolchain for RISC-V RV32I cores • sky130 SkyWater Technologies 130nm CMOS PDK • verilator fast Verilog simulator • xschem schematic editor • xyce fast parallel SPICE simulator (incl. xdm netlist conversion tool) • yosys Verilog synthesis tool (with GHDL plugin for VHDL synthesis)
I have yet to start working on the TC-OSE page, I hope to get something done later this week.
Hello @Harald Pretl. Sorry to reply on a older thread. Could you point me to usage/installation instructions of the above mentioned Docker container. I am quite a newbie towards the Dockers and I am lost in README there
@Georg Zachl could you please help here?
@ArunAshok please take a look at this README. I hope the installation instructions are clear, if not, please let me know, especially where you get stuck. We use this feedback to imrpove the README. https://github.com/iic-jku/iic-osic-tools/blob/main/README.md
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@Harald Pretl I was following the same. But I will check again and get back.
@Harald Pretl I managed to install it. In fact i was straight forward. I would be good to add the git clone repository command (or download) before the Customizing Environment section. Now currently with the VNC, all users see the same session. How can I enable separate sessions for separate users ? So that a single project could be worked on by various members independently.
@ArunAshok glad everything works now! Please take a look at these scripts, they help to spin up multiple EDA environments for several users: • Start servers: https://github.com/iic-jku/iic-osic-tools/blob/main/eda_server_start.sh • Stop servers: https://github.com/iic-jku/iic-osic-tools/blob/main/eda_server_stop.sh • Restart servers: https://github.com/iic-jku/iic-osic-tools/blob/main/eda_server_restart.sh • Configuration file: https://github.com/iic-jku/iic-osic-tools/blob/main/eda_server_conf.sh Everything works; maybe a bit of polishing is still needed. We will use these hosted EDA environments for the fall term for our students.