```Notice 0: Warning: WARNING (LEFPARS-2036): SOUR...
# openlane
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Notice 0: Warning: WARNING (LEFPARS-2036): SOURCE statement is obsolete in version 5.6 and later.
The LEF parser will ignore this statement.
To avoid this warning in the future, remove this statement from the LEF file with version 5.6 or later. See file /project/openlane_build/runs/25-07_11-43/tmp/merged_unpadded.lef at line 884.
To get rid of the SOURCE warning, just remove the SOURCE statement from the LEF files. As explained by Tim, there was an error on Magic while creating those files, its fixed, but PDK needs the be updated with new files.
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sed -i -e '/^.*SOURCE.*$/d'   libraries/sky130_fd_sc_hd/latest/cells/*/*.lef
thank you!