<@U017E7L119N> where do you see the overlap issue ...
# openlane
@User where do you see the overlap issue and in which technology
see my early post, it seems @Andy was able to reproduce same on spm / sky130A https://github.com/efabless/openlane/issues/4
Ok, I will take a look
@mehdi: I believe you mentioned that this is related to the incorrect LEF class of tap cells.
@Ahmed Ghazy yes, I see overlaps on the power rails. But I fixed that by removing OBS on the VPWR/VGND
@mehdi: There aren't OBS shapes on the tap cell nor the decap cell though? At least in the version of skywater-pdk used by openlane.
@Ahmed Ghazy there aren't any in hd. I am using hs. Also they shouldn't be in all cells not only tap and decap. I think..
I’m using hd, I can see OBS in decaps, not in tap.
@20Mhz: Are you using the skywater-pdk commit
mentioned on the README? Because that one doesn't have OBS shapes in the LEF view of decaps. (This would also explain why you got only 1 .mag file)
Which README are referring to? Want to check if I’m missing something elese. Do you mean this commit? Seems related to liberty… https://github.com/google/skywater-pdk/commit/4e5e318e0cc578090e1ae7d6f2cb1ec99f363120?diff=split
Referring to this section: https://github.com/efabless/openlane/#setting-up-skywater-pdk . There is a
git checkout 4e5e318e0cc578090e1ae7d6f2cb1ec99f363120
that selects a commit that worked well. The later skywater-pdk updates probably broke open_pdks because of the END LIBRARY thing, and the cells did seem to have differently shaped pins for some reason causing pin access issue for TritonRoute... (cc: @tnt)
Yeah, however given I'm working on the docs and scrpts in the skuwater-pdk it's just not practical to not be at the latest version.
The master of that repo should just always be valid.
I've locked the versions of most of the tools I'm building to the same hashes as the Docker file, but for skywater-pdk & magic, I'm on the latest master. Especially the first is rather huge, I can't keep N copies of it around.
@tnt: Got it 👍 That's basically what we're doing as well on the develop branch; the issues with the latest skywater-pdk master need to be fixed/reported anyway.