Has anyone built openlane on non-x86? In particula...
# openlane
Has anyone built openlane on non-x86? In particular, powerpc, sparc, or RiscV (which have open cores I could conceivably tape out with using openlane/openroad)
Which distro are you on btw? You may want to try something like: https://github.com/smunaut/openlane-baremetal/blob/master/openlane_build.sh put together by @tnt. It will probably be a bit tedious to get hold of all the dependencies, but it should work eventually.
Yeah, listing the dependencies is still on my TODO ... since I had other EDA tools built already I pretty much had everything already on my system, but I think I can do a ldd on all the binaries and see what they link to (and map that back to packages) to get a good idea of what's needed.
@tnt: In the process of native support, I will be trying to create a basic AUR package as an exercise of "enclosing" all dependencies.
Which system are you on btw?
If you have a look at the patches in that git repo, you can see some package have dependency on things that turn out to not be required (like they want CMake 3.18 but 3.17 works just fine, it just happens the dev was using 3.18 and used that as min version, things like that ...).
That was built on Ubuntu 19.10
👍 1
OpenROAD also explicitely requires swig 3 ... but apparently if you just have swig 4, that works just fine too.
Ah, that's useful to know, thanks!
I am on Debian/Ubuntu generally.