<@U016G1URZGA> <@U01634FH82K> , is anyone looking ...
# openlane
@User @User , is anyone looking at this? https://github.com/efabless/openlane/issues/4 I’m still seeing the problem on most of my runs, I need to set a very specific configuration to work around it… Now I’m using libraries from 4e5e318e0cc578090e1ae7d6f2cb1ec99f363120
@20Mhz This is an issue with the openroad app itself, once they solve it, we'll update the version we're using to the one in which this problem is solved.
do you mean this is fixed on newer openroad code?
No, not yet as far as I'm aware.
is openroad people tracking openlane github? Would it be better to file ticket on their side instead?
We meet with them bi-weekly, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to file a ticket there as well.
sounds good, will do more investigation when I find the time, then I will file, if you get any insight from your bi-weekly, please share on the ticket. Thanks!