<@U016H5X1K62>: Can you expand what's in the "mag...
# openlane
@User: Can you expand what's in the "magic_antenna.tcl" file? It appears that magic crashed while running the antenna checks. If I can get a tarball from you with the files that are referenced by the "magic_antenna.tcl" file, I can debug the crash condition. The contents of "magic_antenna.magicrc" would be helpful, too, unless it's just a symbolic link to the usual sky130A.magicrc startup file.
Oh, it's all done through environment variables. The way I usually do that is to create the tcl script on the fly with all the commands and files it needs and then run it through magic. So it's hard to debug without knowing what all the environment variables expand to.
@Tim Edwards here's a snapshot of the whole run folder
Okay, thanks; I'll take a look and see if I can debug the segfault with that.
That's great, thank you
@yrrapt: Attempting to download that tarball is resulting in a zero size file. Not sure why. Could it be a limitation of slack?
Works fine here.
@yrrapt: Apparently it's an obscure limitation of my desktop. I downloaded it on my laptop just fine. Looking at it now.
There is a
file so at least you can get a backtrace from the crash, that's nice.
@tnt: Thanks for pointing that out. I didn't see it.
@yrrapt (@tnt) I can't make anything of the core file. The backtrace is only three deep. Normally Tcl/Tk itself has a stack depth of at least six or so. I can't make magic crash running "antennacheck" on the spm.mag layout, either.
Mm, I guess you'd need to run gdb in the docker container so you have the same magic executable and all the same libraries / tcl env.
I don't have docker here so can't do that ...
Apologies for the delayed response on this. I have tried to get to the root of the problem a bit more today, but haven't found much. Running the antennacheck manually also works for me. This isn't too pressing for me until the timing analysis is included in openlane so I've raised an GitHub issue and will park it for now. Thanks for the help.