Hello Guys, so I added my own design (a single bit...
# openlane
Hello Guys, so I added my own design (a single bit comparator) but it only contains config.tcl and not skywater_...._.config.tcl file. How can I generate one for my design since the specifications seem to be different for every design.
You come up with these configurations incrementally by running exploration on the design using this. Also, more on the configurations and how to generate/replicate/update them here.
thanks amr you really have been a lot of help
Also, there is a new release coming in a couple of days which will have an improved/"almost" bug-free versions of these scripts
Copy code
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/openLANE_flow -v $PDK_ROOT:$PDK_ROOT -e PDK_ROOT=$PDK_ROOT -u $(id -u $USER):$(id -g $USER) openlane:rc2
what odes $(pwd) and $(id -u -user) and id -g -user mean in this command
$(pwd) means that the current directory will be mounted in the docker as /openLANE_flow. Since, you mount the docker in the openlane directory. So, the directory will mount as /openLANE_flow. $(id -u -user) and $(id -g -user) allows you to mount as the user you are logged in. Which, will give you control over the files when you leave docker. But, if you remove that line you will be mounted as root, which will make the files root protected outside of the docker. Meaning that you'd have to use
to edit/move them.