<@U016HSALFAN> remember we were talking about addi...
# openlane
@User remember we were talking about adding that tiny inverter design to the examples?
I've recently re-installed the whole flow and got the inverter to work
but I really want to do it without a clock
you said I could do this with set ::env(CLOCK_TREE_SYNTH) 0
but with that set, and the register removed from the inverter
I get this error:
I've tried fiddling about with the density, utilisation and pdn options but always get this same error
do you know any working examples that don't have a clock?
https://github.com/efabless/openlane/tree/develop/designs/digital_pll_sky130_fd_sc_hd However, unlike the digital_pll the issue here is that the design is too small. So maybe try using an absolute FP_sizing and skipping initial placement but this feature is not yet in master. An example configuration of a tiny design that doesn't have a clock looks like this:
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set ::env(RUN_SIMPLE_CTS) 0
set ::env(CLOCK_TREE_SYNTH) 0
set ::env(FP_SIZING) absolute
set ::env(DIE_AREA) "0 0 160 160"
set ::env(PL_TARGET_DENSITY) 0.20
set ::env(SYNTH_MAX_FANOUT) 6

set ::env(FP_PDN_VOFFSET) 4
set ::env(FP_PDN_VPITCH) 6
set ::env(FP_PDN_HOFFSET) 0
set ::env(FP_PDN_HPITCH) 9
We're conducting some final tests and rc3 will be coming over the weekend. So, then you'll be able to use
btw what branch should I be making pull requests to for adding example designs?
Hi @Amr Gouhar and @Ahmed Ghazy
I have updated to rc3
to play with this and with the SoC features
here's the src and config
and the failiure I'm getting:
Screenshot from 2020-10-12 17-14-22.png
any clues appreciated!
Hi @Matt Venn, try adding the following lines in your config:
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set ::env(CLOCK_PERIOD) 0
set ::env(CLOCK_TREE_SYNTH) 0
ok that's moved me on a bit
now I get failure in global placement
floorplan has worked though
Screenshot from 2020-10-12 17-24-04.png
removing set ::env(PL_SKIP_INITIAL_PLACEMENT) 1
has got me a bit further
Screenshot from 2020-10-12 17-28-16.png
looks like PDN is failing now
Screenshot from 2020-10-12 17-29-08.png
probably design is smaller now so the settings that worked previously for clocked inverter are now failing
try out absolute sizing, it wouldn't make a difference for the floorplanner but it does for the global placer. example:
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set ::env(FP_SIZING) absolute
set ::env(DIE_AREA) "0 0 160 160"
set ::env(PL_TARGET_DENSITY) 0.20
Also, try removing:
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set ::env(FP_PDN_VOFFSET) 15
set ::env(FP_PDN_VPITCH) 5
set ::env(FP_PDN_HOFFSET) 15 
set ::env(FP_PDN_HPITCH) 5
The configurations should self adjust for the pdn in rc3 (hopefully to the correct values)
if it didn't then maybe an exploration on a large range of values for pdn would help. Check this for more.
that brings the failure back to the replace
small designs can be tricky to configure, but running an exploration should speed up the process
any opinion on exploring density with absolute sizing or pdn settings with non-absolute?
or is there any other setting worth exploring with absolute
So far, fixing an absolute size with low density and manipulating pdn configurations seemed to work for me pretty well. But, I've never tried a design composed of one standard cell. Still, it would be a good starting point.
ok, I'll give it a go thanks
@Matt Venn: I can't help but wonder why you're trying to harden a design with only one cell?:)
because I think it will be useful to help complete beginners how this stuff works
even a clocked inverter when hardened contains a lot of 'unexpected' stuff
so I want to have a series: inverter -> clocked inverter -> counter -> 7 segment led driver
if I show the 7 segement counter as the first example it's going to be hard for people to see how the hdl actually gets mapped to silicon
Got it; useful for educational reasons for sure 👍
What Amr recommends above should work; definitely try removing the PDN configs you have as it should self-adjust. Also, an alternative to absolute sizing is to try extremely low core utilizations (1% or maybe even less?).
OK I'm a bit confused
remove PDN configs, but then what parameter should I iterate over?
I would try increasingly lower and lower core utilizations and placement densities.
I have a meeting in 5 mins, but I can try hardening it myself afterwards if it didn't work for you.
ok that would be great
couple of quick questions about run_designs
its not clear to me what I have to provide in the configuration file --regression
anything I want? and the rest are taken from the normal config.tcl?
Screenshot from 2020-10-12 18-00-21.png
this is one example of a configuration file. The generated configurations are actually appended to the config.tcl (for each run).
and you can change/iterate over any configuration you want
the docs say "all possible combinations of the passed regression file"
but it's unclear to me what the above file would do
there doesn't seem to be a 'combination' to me
like how would I configure it to explore core utililisation?
maybe try writing a config file: densUtil.config
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FP_CORE_UTIL=(25 50 60)
and run
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python3 run_designs.py -d spm -t testExploration -th 6 -r densUtil.config
pointing to the densUtil.config This should clear up what the script does, you'll find a couple of configuration files generated under spm and 6 runs will be started.
thanks. So the stuff in brackets are the combinations to check
ok yes thanks now I get it
can you change that to a PR to develop?
anyway to find out how the combinations went? It looks like there is some tool that tries to run after but it seems very broken
I just search the config_regression_[0123456] directories to see how far they each got?
after their completion you'll find a summary generated under the regression_results folder. Check this.
ok sweet I am running a lot of combinations on 20 threads
all failed 😞
FP_CORE_UTIL=(1 25 50 60 90) PL_TARGET_DENSITY=(0.01 0.1 0.4 0.8)\
that was what I tried
@Matt Venn: I would try
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FP_CORE_UTIL=(0.1 0.5 1 2 3 4 5)
as well.
ok thanks
btw I have added this to my repo: https://github.com/mattvenn/clockless-inverter
so you can see the config too
also all failed with your suggestion @Ahmed Ghazy
I'm also unable to get a clocked inverter routed
so maybe something has happened in rc3 that makes it harder to harden small designs.
I did try to push https://github.com/mattvenn/openlane/blob/master/designs/inverter/config.tcl to the design library, but probably didn't make it to develop
would be good to get a small design as part of the regression tests
that config.tcl linked above does make it quite a way, but fails on triton - it apparently can't find a clock net
anyway, I have to head off now
@Matt Venn: I'll try out your design as soon as I can (probably early tomorrow). Thank you very much for bringing this up! and definitely once we find the proper configurations, it would be a huge help to PR this to develop.
Thanks! Very happy to contribute when I can.
I also have a clocked branch in that repo