<@U016Y9FMA2Y> post a link to your design
# openlane
@User post a link to your design
module brqrv_core (
16     parameter bit                 PMPEnable        = 1'b0,
17     parameter int unsigned        PMPGranularity   = 0,
18     parameter int unsigned        PMPNumRegions    = 4,
19     parameter int unsigned        MHPMCounterNum   = 0,
20     parameter int unsigned        MHPMCounterWidth = 40,
21     parameter bit                 RV32E            = 1'b0,
22     parameter brqrv_pkg::rv32m_e   RV32M            = brqrv_pkg::RV32MFast,
23     parameter brqrv_pkg::rv32b_e   RV32B            = brqrv_pkg::RV32BNone,
24     parameter brqrv_pkg::regfile_e RegFile          = brqrv_pkg::RegFileFF,
25     parameter bit                 BranchTargetALU  = 1'b0,
26     parameter bit                 WritebackStage   = 1'b0,
27     parameter bit                 ICache           = 1'b0,
28     parameter bit                 ICacheECC        = 1'b0,
29     parameter bit                 BranchPredictor  = 1'b0,
30     parameter bit                 DbgTriggerEn     = 1'b0,
31     parameter bit                 SecureIbex       = 1'b0,
32     parameter int unsigned        DmHaltAddr       = 32'h1A110800,
33     parameter int unsigned        DmExceptionAddr  = 32'h1A110808
34 )
This is complete, do you see why it is giving this error.
/openLANE_flow/designs/brqrv_core/src/brqrv_core.sv:16: ERROR: syntax error, unexpected TOK_PARAMETER
Don't you need #() for parameters? Also, the open source version yosys doesn't support system verilog, so I don't think your brqrv_pkg:: lines are going to work
yeah i think you need
Copy code
module brqrv_core #(
  parameter ...
  input wire ...
It was originally like that. @aryap
module brqrv_core #(
parameter ...
input wire ...
I missed it while posting it here. In short this does not work
@Matt Venn Then that means I wont be able to run it and its not the syntax that is the problem rather YOSYS itself?
I think the problem is that
are systemverilog types and therefore yosys won't suppor them either
i've never used SV but that's is what wikipedia says
otherwise yosys has no problem with parameterised modules in regular verilog
Yes I agree. You need to get it to work with open source version of yosys. Which means not systemverilog
OK,thanks @Matt Venn @aryap