<@U016HSALFAN> How is the openroad update going? W...
# openlane
@User How is the openroad update going? Worth trying? I have a couple of things that fail with the older version of openroad but look to be fixed upstream
@Anton Blanchard: I just pushed a working version to https://github.com/efabless/openlane/tree/openroad_update, but @Ahmed Ghazy managed to get it working, so perhaps give it a try! (it's still running the CI tho). The dockerhub image name is:
👍 1
Excellent, will give it a go
@Anton Blanchard: with more experiments I found that this change is need in open_pdks https://github.com/RTimothyEdwards/open_pdks/pull/111 along with the recent commit made to openroad_update https://github.com/efabless/openlane/commit/c27c193cff7f4e22468b273ce3d850bbfd5495e4 Please, let us know if you find any issues with that branch, aside from openphysyn not working. :--)
I tried a few of my macros, and then one or two of the openlane test cases, and each time I fali around:
Copy code
[ERROR DRT-0073] no ap for _35211_/S0
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  DRT-0073
[ERROR]: during executing: "openroad -exit /openLANE_flow/scripts/openroad/or_droute.tcl |& tee >&@stdout /openLANE_flow/designs/aes/runs/18-02_05-29/logs/routing/21-tritonRoute.log"
@Anton Blanchard: I can confirm seeing this, when resizer decided to put back the
:--) Solution is to add that to the drc_exclude.cells list for all libraries (for now). I will submit that as a PR to open_pdks, but I'm running a full regression run on all openlane designs to confirm that this is the only cell that has this issue first.
Oh great! Let me retest with it excluded
That did fix my issue. I'm trying something from DFFRAM (RAM_512x64) and it seems to have issues with
@Anton Blanchard: Is that cell hand instantiated or is it inserted by the tools? I ran a full regression run and only one design failed because of
, I'm not sure I've seen
get used before, so maybe that's why I haven't seen that issue. But, I think we can stay on the safe side and exclude both, or do you think it should be a design by design basis?
It's hand instantiated, so not a lot we can do about it. Any ideas for the failure? I'm not seeing it using the openroad flow, but there are other issues I'm chasing there
I think the issue is mainly because of the pin access strategies used in TritonRoute, perhaps opening an issue at openroad would get this solved eventually.
I narrowed it down to the mcon layer added to the pins in the magic.lef
👍 1
@Anton Blanchard: It seems TritonRoute just keeps trying to connect to the li1 pins but failing due to the mcon shapes above it. It doesn't seem to consider connecting to the met1 shapes. I would moving the met1 PORT to the front and see if TritonRoute considers it, or even removing the li and mcon ports completely.