Ok, so there's 1.5GB of conda packages inside the ...
# openlane
Ok, so there's 1.5GB of conda packages inside the PDK?!?!
might be worth looking at the github actions that are setup on the new caravel project
Good idea
Coming away with more questions than answers 🙂 Why the hell does it start qemu first thing it does?
Hi Olof, sorry for the late reply. The qemu setup is to allow docker to run images of other archs- I’d wager whoever originally made that CI copied it over from a tutorial with no second thought. It’s useful for doing CI on ARM for example, but it’s not really applicable here.
Oh, could that perhaps have been @Rob Taylor I remember he did some work to get it going on his M1
Yeah, on M1 you have to setup qemu locally to run x86-64 Docker images; that wouldn’t be applicable to the actual CI though, the CI only runs on GitHub’s servers which are all x86-64 (for now).
Regardless, you can just pretend that particular action does not exist. 🙂
Right. Got it
I think my multiarch stuff isn’t merged ….
Are you working on Docker images for other archs?
So for context, what I'm trying to do right now is to set up CI for my repo to run my design through openlane with gh actions as mentioned here https://github.com/olofk/subservient/issues/1
Well to answer some of your questions: You unfortunately do need to run make pdk every time. We do so on our own CI: it takes a nice 20 minutes but it’s not unmanageable.
make openlane
is just an alias for a docker pull- you can replace it with
docker pull efabless/<openlane:v0.12>
(I’d also recommend fixing the version of Openlane used for CI.)
You don’t actually need to build Openlane in your CI, you can just pull whatever version from efabless/openlane then clone the repo and
git checkout
the corresponding commit for this tag.
Thanks for walking me through this. Still not clear on some parts. Why do I need to clone the repo at all? Doesn't
docker pull efabless/<openlane:v0.12>
get me an image with all I need?
Ah… appears so. At /openLANE_flow. Apologies.
Well yeah, then just pull v0.12 and you’re golden.
Fantastic. And I'm also trying to slim down the stuff created by make pdk so that I can have something a bit more manageable for my CI flows
👍 I’ll have to evaluate what I can do about make pdks for openlane’s CI: it’s not unreasonable to assume there’s something that can be done about it but on the other hand it does validate
make pdks
as working at all
Yeah, different needs I guess. I have no need for a particular PDK variant or checking that building it works