Beginner / getting started questions: 1. I install...
# openlane
Beginner / getting started questions: 1. I installed openlane and ran the regression test. I got 31 PASSes and 11 FAILS. Is that normal? 2. I'm really unfamiliar with Docker 😞 I'd like to try out magic, yosys and klayout (not as part of a flow). How do I start magic for example (without installing it separately)? (I tried make mount and then magic but it complains that DISPLAY isn't set, and so on. I tried ./flow.tcl -interactive -d mydesign and then run_magic but it says it can't read ::env(PDK)... and so on. Basically, I don't know how to specify a magic.rc file, nor the technology 😞
You can run this command to launch docker with your system GUI:
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docker run -it -v $OPENLANE_ROOT:/openLANE_flow -v $PDK_ROOT:$PDK_ROOT -v $PWD/..:/project -e PDK_ROOT=$PDK_ROOT -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -u $(id -u $USER):$(id -g $USER) efabless/openlane:current
For question 1, I think that it is not normal. If you are not good at building softwares, you can use the docker images. Just learn how to use docker.
To open a design in magic, run this:
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$ ln -s $PDK_ROOT/sky130A/ .magicrc
$ magic -T $PDK_ROOT/sky130A/ your-magic-design.mag
Klayout does not work in GUI mode with the above setup.
To run klayout in docker, you can run this:
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docker run -it -v $OPENLANE_ROOT:/openLANE_flow -v $PDK_ROOT:$PDK_ROOT -v $PWD/..:/project -e PDK_ROOT=$PDK_ROOT -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -e QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM="native" -u $(id -u $USER):$(id -g $USER) efabless/openlane:current
For this question:
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I tried ./flow.tcl -interactive -d mydesign and then run_magic but it says it can't read ::env(PDK)...
You need to 'cd' to cd /project/openlane, then run this command. It would load the PDK sucessfully.
Thanks for the suggestions. I've made some progress (at least in running an 'external' magic): 1. Don't 2. use Ubuntu's magic 8.2.127. Reading 3. ../openlane/pdks/sky130A/ (as one does...) 4. it transpires that you need magic-8.3.111. Ooh, and 5. wants 8.3.124. [1:46 AM] Thanks for the suggestions. I've made some progress (at least in running an 'external' magic): 1. Don't 2. use Ubuntu's magic 8.2.127. Reading 3. ../openlane/pdks/sky130A/ (as one does...) 4. it transpires that you need magic-8.3.111. Ooh, and 5. wants 8.3.124. 6. Making magic requires that the tcl-dev (and tk-dev ?) and csh packages be installed. 7. Maybe unrelated: I kept getting __parse__usage_errors (apparently due to bash-completion package not liking 'set -o exportall' (or set -a)
I blame slack for the bizarre formatting.
This means that you are using a wrong magic version. You need magic version 8.3.124 and above. I guess you are using Magic from ubuntu distribution by running 'sudo apt-get install magic'. However, this Magic version is too old. You will have to build magic from source. In addition, you must reinstall your pdk using the new magic also.
Just a note. Building magic (or any other component) from source in docker is not hard. 1
cd openlane/docker_build
2 open
and change the
ARG MAGIC_COMMIT=e4bebffeb49fde401e8f531a01feb4c3ef6eb9db
line to the the revision you want to install 3
make build-magic
make merge