I still haven't been able to resolve an issue with...
# openlane
I still haven't been able to resolve an issue with clock nets out of logic. I made a clock mux in my design as a separate module so that I can properly refer to a port in CLOCK_PORT as well as CLOCK_NET. I have this:
Copy code
clock_mux clkmux(.clk0(faast_clk),                                                                                                         
and I define
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set ::env(CLOCK_PORT) "clkmux.clk"                                                                                     
set ::env(CLOCK_NET) "clk"
but then I get this error during CTS because Yosys tries to buffer the clock and the clock net name changes:
Copy code
[WARNING STA-0337] port 'clkmux.clk' not found.
[INFO]: Setting output delay to: 2.0
[INFO]: Setting input delay to: 2.0
[WARNING STA-0337] port 'clkmux.clk' not found.
[INFO]: Setting load to: 0.01765
[INFO]: Configuring cts characterization...
[INFO]: Performing clock tree synthesis...
[INFO]: Looking for the following net(s): clk
[INFO]: Running Clock Tree Synthesis...
[ERROR UKN-0000] Error when finding -clk_nets in DB!
Error: or_cts.tcl, 57 UKN-0000
If I do set ::env(CLOCK_NET) "clkmux.clk" instead, it says that it only has one sink (the output of the clkmux module). What can I do?
@Matthew Guthaus Does
really have one sink ? you can check the synthesized netlist to see what is the name of the net connected to the
pin of the flip flops
Inside of the module clkmux, it does, yes. Outside of that, it also has one because it is the root of a buffer tree that Yosys made
- clkmux.clk ( repeater1500 A ) ( 4410 X ) + USE SIGNAL ; 4410 is the output of a mux and repeater1500 is the root of a buffer tree
Here is the fanout of that repeater: - net1498 ( 4655 CLK ) ( 4657 CLK ) ( 4659 CLK ) ( 4739 CLK ) ( 4726 CLK ) ( 4730 CLK ) ( 4731 CLK ) ( 4729 CLK ) ( 4727 CLK ) ( 4728 CLK ) ( 4679 CLK ) ( 4678 CLK ) ( 4667 CLK ) ( 4668 CLK ) ( _4669\ _ CLK ) ( 4665 CLK ) ( 4656 CLK ) ( 4666 CLK ) ( 4658 CLK ) ( 4654 CLK ) ( 4652 CLK ) ( 4653 CLK ) ( _4677\ _ CLK ) ( 4681 CLK ) ( 4680 CLK ) ( 4716 CLK ) ( 4719 CLK ) ( 4715 CLK ) ( 4674 CLK ) ( 4721 CLK ) ( _4672\ _ CLK ) ( 4673 CLK ) ( 4664 CLK ) ( 4663 CLK ) ( 4662 CLK ) ( 4718 CLK ) ( 4717 CLK ) ( 4720 CLK ) ( _4661\ _ CLK ) ( 4660 CLK ) ( 4670 CLK ) ( 4671 CLK ) ( 4676 CLK ) ( 4675 CLK ) ( repeater1498 X ) + USE SIGNAL ; - net1499 ( 4759 CLK ) ( 4760 CLK ) ( 4761 CLK ) ( 4757 CLK ) ( 4758 CLK ) ( 4746 CLK ) ( 4702 CLK ) ( 4714 CLK ) ( 4755 CLK ) ( 4752 CLK ) ( 4754 CLK ) ( 4756 CLK ) ( 4762 CLK ) ( 4753 CLK ) ( _4749\ _ CLK ) ( 4751 CLK ) ( 4748 CLK ) ( 4750 CLK ) ( 4747 CLK ) ( 4689 CLK ) ( 4688 CLK ) ( 4690 CLK ) ( _4691\ _ CLK ) ( 4703 CLK ) ( 4704 CLK ) ( 4712 CLK ) ( 4713 CLK ) ( 4742 CLK ) ( 4743 CLK ) ( 4744 CLK ) ( _4745\ _ CLK ) ( 4693 CLK ) ( 4694 CLK ) ( 4687 CLK ) ( repeater1499 X ) + USE SIGNAL ; - net1500 ( 4699 CLK ) ( 4697 CLK ) ( 4698 CLK ) ( 4724 CLK ) ( 4725 CLK ) ( 4723 CLK ) ( 4732 CLK ) ( 4741 CLK ) ( 4737 CLK ) ( 4740 CLK ) ( 4738 CLK ) ( 4736 CLK ) ( 4733 CLK ) ( 4734 CLK ) ( repea\ ter1498 A ) ( 4722 CLK ) ( 4735 CLK ) ( 4682 CLK ) ( 4684 CLK ) ( 4683 CLK ) ( 4651 CLK ) ( repeater1499 A ) ( _\ 4685_ CLK ) ( 4686 CLK ) ( 4696 CLK ) ( 4695 CLK ) ( 4705 CLK ) ( 4706 CLK ) ( 4711 CLK ) ( 4710 CLK ) ( _4707\ _ CLK ) ( 4692 CLK ) ( 4701 CLK ) ( 4700 CLK ) ( 4708 CLK ) ( 4709 CLK ) ( repeater1500 X ) + USE SIGNAL ;
@Matthew Guthaus But, what is the name of the net connected to the CLK pin of the flip flops in the synthesized netlist ?
net1498, net1499, net1500
(it is shown above)
In the behavioral netlist, it is clk, the output of clkmux
So Yosys made a buffer tree repeater1500 -> (repeater1499, repeater1498)
In the synthesized_optimized.v:
Copy code
sky130_fd_sc_hd__buf_12 repeater1498 (.A(net1500),                                                                    
 sky130_fd_sc_hd__buf_8 repeater1499 (.A(net1500),                                                                     
 sky130_fd_sc_hd__buf_12 repeater1500 (.A(\clkmux.clk ),                                                               
 sky130_fd_sc_hd__dfxtp_4 _4651_ (.D(_0333_),                                                                          
 sky130_fd_sc_hd__dfxtp_4 _4652_ (.D(_0334_),                                                                          
 sky130_fd_sc_hd__dfxtp_4 _4653_ (.D(_0335_),                                                                          
@Matthew Guthaus You will need to set
as a list of
net1498, net1499, net1500
, This way tritoncts will buffer each net
@Matthew Guthaus I think another solution would be to disable
if you want to eliminate the buffer tree and let resizer handle the timing optimizations
That will buffer each of those as a separate tree
That second option might work...
Even disabling SYNTH_BUFFERING results in a buffered fanout from the clkmux
Copy code
sky130_fd_sc_hd__buf_12 repeater1581 (.A(\clkmux.clk ),                                                               
 sky130_fd_sc_hd__buf_12 repeater1579 (.A(net1580),                                                                    
 sky130_fd_sc_hd__buf_12 repeater1580 (.A(net1581),                                                                    
 sky130_fd_sc_hd__dfxtp_4 _3965_ (.D(_0335_),                                                                          
 sky130_fd_sc_hd__dfxtp_4 _3966_ (.D(_0336_),                                                                          
 sky130_fd_sc_hd__dfxtp_1 _3967_ (.D(_0337_),                                                                          
with it disabled ^^
@Matthew Guthaus Looks like
is only for abc, not sure what is the impact of that but you can try commenting the insbuf command here https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenLane/blob/f7412929e8775504b9bdc5f247b7f967849a1fc3/scripts/synth.tcl#L341
That didn't seem to do anything
@Manar Abdelatty It seems that this buffering is done in step 8-resizer
@Matthew Guthaus This is the resizer design optimization step, you can skip it by setting
to zero
I did that and now it segfaults: [ERROR]: during executing: "openroad -exit /openLANE_flow/scripts/openroad/or_resizer_timing.tcl |& tee >&@stdout /project/openlane/user_project_wrapper/runs/user_project_wrapper/logs/placement/18-resizer_timing.log" [ERROR]: Exit code: 1 [ERROR]: Last 10 lines: child killed: segmentation violation
If I also disable PL_RESIZER_TIMING_OPTIMIZATIONS it doesn't
The timing is horrible now, but at least it works?
so far