Is there a better description of the steps of the ...
# openlane
Is there a better description of the steps of the flow somewhere? I'm getting some signals disconnected between the output of user_project_wrapper.synthesized.v and user_project_wrapper.synthesized_optimized.v, but I'm not sure what step that actually corresponds to (4-Yosys?)
Actually, flow_summary.log might be this...
you think maybe yosys is optimising out part of your design?
sometimes I've used (* keep *) to keep stuff in
I literally have two SRAMs, both connected directly to the LA in a test case, and the single port gets disconnected din/dout
I figured it out. The LEF file for the single port macro had an extra pin and something just silently disconnected the entire din/dout because of this
🙌 1
so you are getting a result now?
Kind of. I need to fix OpenRAM and regenerate all the single port macros
May just hack it for now