Hey folks. I have a design where I can scale the s...
# openlane
Hey folks. I have a design where I can scale the size of the circuit (add more units). At some point as I increase the amount of circuitry the design becomes unable to synthesize, with OpenLane reporting "too much congestion". Does anybody know any parameters I could tweak to possibly help with this? Would reducing the density by decreasing
help, or are those irrelevant to this "congestion"?
For the first, do you mean PL_TARGET_DENSITY? That causes placement to spread cells out to meet local density The FP_CORE_UTIL determines how much area a relative floorplan should be compared to the cell area. It doesn't matter if you have an absolute floorplan size. Last, your may want to restrict the GLB_ROUTE_ADJUSTMENT which will reserve some global route tracks to spread out wires. So, yes, all if the above.
Yes, sorry, I meant
. Cool, thanks, I'll try
Actually, apologies, I checked my logs more carefully, the "too much congestion" was an error I was getting before, now I seem to be getting an error like the following. Basically, TritonRoute will run its 64 optimization passes, and then fail with:
Copy code
[ERROR]: There are violations in the design after detailed routing.
[ERROR]: Total Number of violations is 9
Would tweaking
be your advice for this too? I honestly don't know which steps run in which order, and therefore which failures cannot be helped by which options.
Also, just to be 100% sure, I assume by
you're referring to
? It looks like the default value is 0 ("least reduction"), so I assume there's not much I can do by adjusting that?
Yes, that's what I meant. This reserves space in the global routing grid which will make the detailed routing easier. By default it doesn't reserve/reduce any so the global routing is at full capacity and can be hard to detailed route. You can also do this for specific layers
@Peter Schmidt-Nielsen If you have the time, you might also try increasing the iterations. I hear the default limit is 64.
Thanks folks for the suggestions. Setting
to values like 0.2, 0.5, and 1 didn't have any discernible effect, but I increased
to 200 and
to 256, and things got a tad better.