Hello, I have an issue with the gate level simulat...
# openlane
Hello, I have an issue with the gate level simulation results, in general I can view only a few of the registers declared in my datapath even though they are used and work at the RTL level. All that happened when I have multicycled DSP operations. Even the registers that appear do not initialize with a correct value after reset.
can you share your log?
in fact all is ok at the RTL and flow level
so BLACKBOX option worked?
oo, that was an issue of the @Matt Venn, not mine
I have problem with GateLevel simulation
Yosys seems to optimize too much
check yosys switches for synthesis and use it as per need
yes, I have tried different strategies: DELAY and AREA however without success
it's possible yosys has optimised them out in error, but I've never seen it. It's always my fault
@Matt Venn I was revising all the datapath looking for possible beaks however until now I could nof find any. The other strange thing s that I have 13 registers declared in the design and some of them are present in the GTKwave and some not. I am even initializing them at reset but without success.
I asw wondering if I should use some special options of synthesis ?
it's so unlikely to be that issue. much more likely that your registers are not being used or initialised correctly
try on an fpga?
look, I have just simulated a version where I commented out all the DSP (filters), yosys gave me like doubled the number of cells, the registers appear and work. I have to revise the DSP block definitely.
read the yosys synth logs, and search for this like optimise or remove
that should give you some more clues
point taken 👍