Or could I tell openlane an overlap strategy that ...
# openlane
Or could I tell openlane an overlap strategy that it should move/remove TAP cells when they overlap with a cell?
Are you using
? Using the default settings you should have a gap of 25.08 microns between adjacent tap cells in a row, and the widest standard cell is 16.56 microns wide. Also clkbuf_2 is quite narrow, 1.84 microns in width.
No, hd is too dense for my generator, I switched to sky130_fd_sc_ls . My own CLKBUF2 is 18.72 microns wide
It seems like this particular cell could be layouted in a smaller way, but I would also like to have more complex standard cells in the future which will need more space.
Hmm, it's a 24 transistor CLKBUF2 cell.
16.56 microns should still fit. Check your floorplan, i.e. openlane/<design>/runs/<design>/results/floorplan/user_project.floorplan.def
You might also increase
as long as you stay within the DRC.
I think the DRC rule was something like 12 microns maximum distance, so I guess 22 microns might be the maximum usable for FP_TAPCELL_DIST
I have a default
of 13 which gives a somewhat less than 26 for usable space (25.08 actually).
Is there a viewer for the user_project.floorplan.def which can show the positions of the cells? The def file is missing the width's and height's of the cells, and because of that I can only see the IO pads at the top and the bottom
Recent versions of klayout can open these def files directly. Older versions can import them via
File > Import > DEF/LEF
Both klayout and magic are only showing the IO pads
If you expand the cell list in klayout's cell panel, do you see the tap cell name there?