reposting here in case you know the answer, this i...
# openlane
reposting here in case you know the answer, this is for openroad
1. File an enhancement request, it shouldn't be hard to add
2. no redirect was dropped when we added the logger
You might ask in #openroad in the future
@User For 1, I do this:
sed -n ‘/sky130_fd_sc_hd__dfxtp_2/,/area/p’ trimmed.lib | tail -1     area : 21.270400000;
You could also get the area from LEF using opendb
Thanks @User , @User , I’ll open a ticket for 1, as it may be generally useful. I think the sed approach is too hacky and not convenient for what I wanted this time, which is simply aggregate the area from the instances. I can try the LEF approach, would you share an example? About 2, is there any alternative? I think is common usage case for batch mode to dump specific reports to different files. Btw, I posted originally on #openroad, but I re-posted here as I thought it had more traction…
Filed: I can add more details as required.
Roughly set db [ord::get_db] foreach lib [$db getLibs] { set dbu [expr 1.0 * [$lib getDbUnitsPerMicron]] foreach master [$lib getMasters] { puts "[$master getName] [expr [$master getWidth] / $dbu * [$master getHeight] / $dbu]" } }
in sq microns
Thanks a lot, will give it a try. I’ll file another ticket for redirect.
Thanks, this worked.
Copy code
proc create_lib_area_dict {} {
	set lib_area_dict [dict create]	
	set db [ord::get_db]
	foreach lib [$db getLibs] {
	    set dbu [expr 1.0 * [$lib getDbUnitsPerMicron]]
	    foreach master [$lib getMasters] {
	        dict lappend lib_area_dict [$master getName] [expr [$master getWidth] / $dbu * [$master getHeight] / $dbu]
	return $lib_area_dict

proc get_cells_area { cells lib_area_dict } {
	set area 0
	foreach cel $cells {
		set lib_cell [get_name [get_lib_cells -of_objects $cel]]
		set area [expr $area + [dict get $lib_area_dict $lib_cell]]
	return $area
puts "Design Area: [get_cells_area [get_cells -hier] [create_lib_area_dict]]"