My OpenLane runs are getting killed by the OOM kil...
# openlane
My OpenLane runs are getting killed by the OOM killer during detailed routing. I am currently checking my RTL to find any inefficiencies, which is most likely the reason for this. But does anyone know some other way to unblock myself, like a flag in config.tcl, or changing some options in the OS, etc.? @User?
@User Child killed due to system resources. Mostly not have enough RAM for routing. What's your system RAM?
16 GB. I have tried this on higher config machine (128 GB) and the run went through. But I do not have access to that machine at the moment, and wanted to fix this in the current setup itself.
is design have memory modules?
Yes. 2 modules of 64x4 bits. That's not a lot, right?
Can I get some hint from the logs of the completed steps like synth, fp, etc.?
Memory modules required more RAM
I see. Okay, I'll try moving them out of the design and giving it another try.
I got the same issue. Helped decreasing the utilization to like 25%
@User You could add some swap (i.e. pagefile or disk-based memory) to your system. It will slow down your run but it will eventually go through.
@User: how can I do that?
Thanks @User, increasing the swap space did help me to get past the OOM kill point.
👍 1