<@U017H530WC9> I will be happy to collaborate and ...
# general
@User I will be happy to collaborate and can help you design the R2R DAC. I am currently a PhD student with Nanoelectronics masters and Electrical and Electronics Engineering bachelor's degree. Even though I am still learning on full asic design architecture. I can definitely help you design Opamps and DACs etc.
Hi Minhaz! Great to meet you
I've just built installed the various tools and will start on the DAC soon
The idea is to have a script generate a netlist from R and 2R cells and use a tool to route it
I need people with more CMOS experience (I have none) to advise on the best way to lay out the cells
I'm curious why you're going for a R2R DAC opposed to a delta sigma DAC which is usually used in the audio bands?
I need ultrasonic frequencies up to 500kHz
also I have very little faith in anything I design asic wise actually working... a simple resistor ladder seemed easier haha
you'd still probably need a buffer after the resistor ladder before going out to a pin.
ahh ok, thought it was lower frequency
@tnt yes, potentially, it could just be a voltage follower
the design of a delta sigma is in a lot of ways easier than an R2R which is why I brought it up. The delta sigma has all the complexity in digital and much reduced analogue matching and hard work to get good performance. But I don't think it's viable with the frequencies you've mentioned
@yrrapt yes it's annoying, there are a million I2S class D chips out there that are small for audio frequencies. I do most of my work at 330kHz
What kind of bit depth are you looking for ?
@tnt the idea is to have a script generate it from parameters. But to answer your question, 8 - 12 bits.
I don't actually need perfect monotonicity, so laser trimming is not necessary
@jrsharp Hi, Nice meeting you too! Let's chat private, so that we don't spam this room. @tnt you can join too.