Hi all, I have started to implement the example ca...
# general
Hi all, I have started to implement the example caravel user project and user project wrapper with Synopsys and Cadence tools using the flow specification and build-generator tool Mflowgen by @User. Mflowgen provides solid scripts for many commercial and open-source EDA tools, while still allowing full control in each step of the flow where needed. Mflowgen can already be used with the Skywater 130nm PDK thanks to the great work of @User (see 1,2). The flow has been adapted to be used for the example user project as well as to harden the wrapper. Moreover, it was closely integrated into the original caravel_user_project repository, including Make targets to install dependencies and starting the build flows. The final goal is to provide a basic backend-flow for commercial EDA tools that can be used as starting point for MWP projects. You can find the repository with a more detailed README here: https://github.com/heavySea/caravel_user_project_mflowgen If you are planning to use commercial EDA tools for the next MWP phase, it might be worth to check out. Feedback and contributions are very welcomed.
👍 5
I will start today. I submitted two designs with openlane and I intend to redo my designs with cadence flow now, to be submitted to chipIgnite program. Let's see how well this way goes.